Selasa, 25 Juni 2013
Hubungi saya sekarang juga :
Johannes de Britto
Pin BB: 2761BB11
Senin, 24 Juni 2013
Apakah anda ingin tubuh yang langsing seperti dia?..cantik,bugar dan sehat adalah idaman semua wanita.
Apakah sudah pernah mendengar tentang Nutrastart?
Nutrastart adalah susu terbaik dunia untuk diet sehat,dengan kandungan Transfer factor didalamnya maka dapat sekaligus meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang mana jelas bisa mencegah penyakit seperti kanker,tumor diabetes dll.
Mau lihat rahasianya menjadi langsing dan sehat seperti kami?
Deskripsi umum:
Satu-satunya shake terbaik di dunia yang tersaji lengkap dengan kombinasi Transfer Factor® dan nutrisi untuk memelihara sistem kekebalan tubuh.
isi 96O gram
Manfaat :
• Memelihara kesehatan tubuh kita
• Mendidik atau educate , meningkatkan dan menyeimbangkan sistem pertahanan tubuh
• Memberikan serat makanan alami serta protein yang berguna bagi ksehatan tubuh sepanjang hari
Kandungan :
• Transfer Factor E-XF™ untuk sistem pertahanan tubuh
• 6 gram serat makanan
• 17 gram protein kedelai dan whey
• 6 jenis mineral: kalsium, magnesium, besi sitrat, seng glukonat, tembaga glukonat, sodium
• 12 jenis vitamin: vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6. Asam folat, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamin E, biotin.
Hubungi saya segera untuk pemesanan dan info lebih lengkap:
pin BB : 2761BB11
Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013
Info berikut memanglah bukan berita baru. Bahkan sudah sekian banyak riset yang menunjukkan pentingnya diet yang sehat. Tapi berapa kali pun beritanya diulangi, tampaknya tetap layak dibaca untuk mengingatkan kita semua tentang pentingnya diet sehat.
Menurut jurnal Circulation dari American Heart Association ini menyebutkan bahwa jika Anda memiliki penyakit jantung, diet sehat dapat membantu mencegah serangan jantung dan stroke
Hal ini berdasarkan penelitian yang dipimpin oleh Mahshid Dehghan, Ph.D., ahli gizi di Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University di Ontario, Kanada.
peneliti-peneliti tersebut mensurvei 31.546 orang dewasa (usia rata-rata 66,5) yang memiliki penyakit jantung atau kerusakan organ utama untuk mengetahui seberapa sering mereka minum susu dan makan buah-buahan, sayuran, daging, ikan, biji-bijian, dan unggas pada tahun sebelumnya. Pertanyaan tentang pilihan gaya hidup, seperti olahraga, merokok, dan konsumsi alkohol, juga ditanyakan dalam wawamcara.
Jumlah buah-buahan, sayuran, susu, dan biji-bijian yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari, serta rasio konsumsi ikan dengan daging, menentukan nilai total. Selama lima tahun tindak lanjut, para peneliti menemukan bahwa 5.190 kasus kardiovaskular terjadi di antara para peserta.
Jumlah buah-buahan, sayuran, susu, dan biji-bijian yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari, serta rasio konsumsi ikan dengan daging, menentukan nilai total. Selama lima tahun tindak lanjut, para peneliti menemukan bahwa 5.190 kasus kardiovaskular terjadi di antara para peserta.
“Kadang-kadang, pasien menganggap tidak perlu menerapkan diet sehat karena obat-obatan telah menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol mereka. Itu keliru.Diet sehat memiliki manfaat lain selain yang didapat dari aspirin, modulator angiotensin, penurun lipid dan agen beta blocker. ” kata Dehghan.
Analisis menunjukkan bahwa orang yang mengonsumsi diet sehat untuk jantung memiliki:
35% penurunan risiko kematian kardiovaskular
28% penurunan risiko gagal jantung kongestif
19% penurunan risiko stroke
14% penurunan risiko serangan jantung baru
Meskipun masyarakat di berbagai belahan dunia memiliki beragam kebiasaan makanan, diet sehat berhubungan dengan perlindungan terhadap penyakit jantung berulang di seluruh dunia, terlepas dari tingkat ekonomi masyarakat itu, kata Dehghan.
Nah kini dunia telah dihebohkan oleh sebuah produk kesehatan yang disinyalir adalah terbaik untuk sistem imun tubuh manusia,
Produk ini bernama TRANSFER FACTOR, ini bukanlah obat,herbal,madu,steroid.hormon atau vitamin....ini adalah molekul pendidik sistem imun.
untuk diet sehat bisa minum Nutrastart, tea 4life dan TF trifactor
nah dengan diet ini anda tidak hanya menurunkan berat badan dengan lebih cepat dan alami,juga mencegah serangan jantung bahkan kanker..juga semua penyakit berat lainnya....inilah yang terbaik
hub saya sekarang juga:
Johannes de Britto
Senin, 17 Juni 2013
Semua penyakit-penyakit dibawah ini bisa dicegah dan dibantu penyembuhannya oleh TRANSFER FACTOR
Penderita Kanker Payudara Stadium 4
- Ibu saya menderita kanker payudara dan sudah menjalani operasi pengangkatan payudara. Kanker juga sudah menjalar ke rahimnya dan juga sudah menjalani operasi. Kondisinya sangat memprihatinkan pasca operasi, terbaring tak berdaya ditempat tidur. Saya sangat sedih melihat kondisi orang ibu saya, dan saya berpikir bahwa saya harus menemukan cara untuk membantu ibu saya.
Saya mendapatkan informasi tentang transferfactor lewat internet. Saya beri beliau transferfactor plus, selain itu luka-luka yang sebagian membusuk di payudara dan kelaminnya saya taburi transferfactor trifactor. Luka-luka ditubuhnya mengering dan setiap hari beliau mengalami perkembangan yang sangat signifikant. Kurang dari satu bulan sudah bisa jalan-jalan keluar rumah. Melihat ibu sudah bisa bangun, makan seperti biasa dan jalan-jalan keluar rumah saya menangis karena bahagia. Terima kasih transferfactor - Dini 40 tahun - Jakarta.
- Saya penderita kanker payudara dan telah mencapai stadium 4 sejak April 2003. Selama menjalani perawatan tahun 2003, saya menjalani satu kali operasi, 6 siklus kemoterapi dan 20 sesi radioterapi.
Pada tahun 2005 kanker saya muncul lagi, dan kembali saya menjalani operasi,3 siklus kemoterapi dan 33 sesi kemoterapi. Saya mencoba semua suplemen yang disarankan oleh dokter saya, termasuk transfer factor. Saya mulai mencoba transfer factor plus dan riovida. Kedua produk ini mulai membantu saya melewati kemoterapi. Transfer factor sangat membantu saya, saya merasa sangat tetap berenergi ketika menghadapi kemoterapi dan radioterapi. Saya mengkonsumsi transfer factor selama satu tahun kemudian menghentikannya.Pada tahun 2007, saya mengalami kanker di bagian perut dan tubuh saya terasa sangat lemas. Kemudian kembali saya mengkonsumsi transfer factor plus dan riovida, secara perlahan kesehatan saya membaik. Radioterapi sangat benar-benar sangat melelahkan. Transfer factor membantu saya untuk tetap berenergi, mengobati demam saya dan secara keseluruhan membantu tubuh saya dalam menghadapi radiasi.Sekarang kesehatan saya jauh lebih baik, saya bisa fokus bekerja dan menjalani gaya hidup aktif. Sekarang saran saya bagi keluarga yang mengalami tantangan kesehatan yang sama, khususnya pasien yang menjalani kemoterapi dan radioteapi untuk mengkonsumsi transfer factor karena benar-benar efektif dan sangat membantu anda dalam menjalai terapi-terapi tersebut.~ Rosliah Bt Mohd Masri, 47 years old, Female, Putra Heights, Selangor, Malaysia.
Penderita Kanker Payudara Stadium 3
- Ketika saya memeriksakan diri ke dokter ternyata saya sudah mengidap kanker payudara stadium 3A. Dokter yang merawat saya memberi transferfactor. Saya konsumsi transferfactor plus, transferfactor riovida dan transferfactor trifactor setiap hari. Selain konsumsi transfer factor, saya juga menjaga pola makan dan pola hidup sehat seperti yang disarankan oleh dokter. Setelah konsumsi kurang lebih 5 bulan, dokter bilang saya sudah sembuh dan cukup konsumsi dosis rendah saja. Marliana 34 tahun - Pekanbaru
- Seorang penderita kanker payudara sudah menjalani operasi pengangkatan payudara, tetapi satu bulan setelah operasi dokter menemukan kanker sudah menyebar ke payudara yang lain dan sudah mencapai stadium 3. Dia kemudian mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor Plus, dan hasilnya payudaranya masih tetap ada. Sekarang dia sudah sembuh total dari kanker payudara. Tika (42 tahun) - Jakarta
Penderita Kanker Payudara Stadium 1
Saya berusia 26 tahun, suatu ketika saya merasakan ada benjolan pada payudara saya. Rasanya keras tapi tidak sakit. Ibu dan dua orang saudara ibu juga pernah menderita kanker payudara dan mereka melakukan tes ultra sound dan mammogram.
Saya juga sudah berencana untuk melakukan biopsi. Kemudian saya mencoba transfer factor . Ketika saya melakukan biopsi, ternyata benjolan sudah tidak ada. Ketika dokter menemui saya dalam dirumah sakit saya bilang sepertinya benjolan sudah tidak ada. Kemudia dokter tersebut memeriksa saya kembali dan mengirim saya ke ultrasonic test dan mammogram. Dan hasilnya benjolan itu sudah tidak ada, saya sangat bahagia terbebas dari kanker ini. Susie Blaszczak.
Penderita Kanker Payudara "infiltrating duct carcinoma" Stadium 1
Saya didiagnosa memiliki kelainan yang disebut dengan infiltrating duct carcinoma stadium 1 pada payudara sebelah kiri pada 1 september 2005. Waktu itu tidak ada pilihan lain selain mengangkat payudara dan menjalani kemoterapi. Dan yang paling berat waktu itu adalah saya juga harus menggugurkan kandungan saya yang sudah berumur 3 bulan. Setelah saya dan suami saya berfikir panjang, dan akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk tidak menggugurkan kandungan dan mencari pengobatan alternatif untuk mengobati kanker serta pengobatan alternatif tersebut bisa tetap membiarkan bayi kami hidup.
Satu minggu setelah didiangosa, kami diperkenalkan pada transfer factor plus. Kemudian saya mengkonsumsi tf plus 9 kapsul per hari, minum madu dan lidah buaya. Alhamdullillah, saya melahirkan seorang bayi yang sehat dan kuat pada 6 februari 2006. Saya tidak mengalami komplikasi selama dan sesudah hamil.
Saya tetap mengkonsumsi tranfer factor sampai sekarang dan saya berharap semoga kanker saya benar-benar hilang sepenuhnya.
~Salam saya dan suami saya Sal Aleda, Kuantan, pahang,
Penderita Kanker Payudara dan Tumor Kolon
Saya menderita kanker payudara beberapa tahun lalu dan setelah itu ada tumor pada usus besar. Saya menjalani operasi dan kemoterapi. Pada bulan Januari 2003 saya mendengar tentang TF plus dan memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Hasil test tumor marker pada dua tumor saya angkanya sangat tinggi dan saya berharap bisa menurunkan angkanya. Tumor marker test dua tumor saya dilakukan pada bulan januari, hasilnya C125 sebesar 52 (normal 0-35) dan C115 sebesar 113 ( normal 0-35).
Saya mulai mengkonsumsi TF Plus 8 kapsul per hari pada bulan Februari dan hasil test tumor marker pada bulan May hasilnya untuk C125 angkanya 35 dan C115 angkanya 45. Kedua tes ini mengukur sel kanker dalam darah.
Penderita Kanker Payudara
- Nama saya Helen dan saya adalah penderita kanker payudara. Saya harus mencuci rambut setiap hari dan kemudian mengeringkannya. Kemudian saya mencoba transfer factor plus dan setelah sebelas hari, saya tidak lagi harus selalu mengeringkan rambut saya. Pada hari ke 12 saya pergi ke pesta pernikahan, saya berdansa hampir semalaman dan hanya satu hal yang mengkhawatirkan saya yaitu hak tinggi karena saya sudah lama sekali tidak pakai hak tinggi. Sekarang ketika saya dan pacar saya keluar jalan-jalan bersama anjing kami, saya harus memperhatikan langkah saya karena saya pacar saya sering bilang, "Helen pelan-pelan..saya sama anjing kesulitan ngikutin kamu". Saya merasa sangat luar biasa dan merasa memiliki banyak energi untuk dibakar. Teman -teman saya bilang sekarang saya berseri-seri. Helen
- Pada Juli 1991 saya mengalami kecelakan mobil dan akibatnya terdapat memar di sebelah dada kanan, pada saat itu saya juga menemukan benjolan di payudara sebelah kanan. Saya memilih untuk melakukan operasi untuk menghilangkan benjolan. Kemudian saya mengunjungi Noel Maxwell, dia menyarankan saya untuk mengubah gaya hidup dan membangun sistem imun tubuh. Kemudian saya mengkonsumsi TF Plus selama satu tahun dan sekarang saya sudah nyatakan bersih oleh klinik kanker payudara. Robyne, NZ
Penderita kanker Payudara yang Sudah Mengalami Luka Membusuk
Seorang memiliki seorang pasien penderita kanker payudara. Dia sudah didiagnosa sejak lima tahun lalu. Dia memilih untuk tidak menjalani terapi traditional dan mengobatinya sendiri. Selang beberapa lama, dia mendatangi saya kembali dan kondisinya sudah tidak mungkin dioperasi dan ukuran tumur sudah sebesar anggur. Terdapat luka seperti bisul berdiameter 4 inci dan kedalaman 2 inci. Terlihat Hitam didalamnya dan baunya sangat menyengat. Segera saya buka TF advance 6 kapsul dan taburkan disekitar luka. Saya sarankan dia untuk makan kubis organik. Saya juga anjurkan dia untuk mengkonsumsi 9 kapsul TF plus per hari. Setelah 6 minggu lukanya sembuh. Sekarang hasil test menunjukkan tidak ada lagi sel kanker di payudara dan di getah bening. N Maxwell ND.NZ
Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013
Rabu, 12 Juni 2013
Bisakah diet sehat sekaligus mencegah Kanker Payudara?
"Adalah sebuah kewajiban bagi para wanita untuk menerapkan diet sehat guna mencegah resiko kanker payudara. dan tentunya rutin melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan"
Qd. Johannes de Britto P.sp Tf.c
Rata-rata di seluruh negara, kanker payudara telah resmi dinyatakan sebagai jenis kanker yang paling banyak menyebabkan kematian pada wanita, selain kanker serviks. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) memprediksikan bahwa pada tahun 2020 jumlah kasus kanker payudara akan meningkat.
Dikutip dari Times of India, dikhawatirkan, bahwa satu dari delapan wanita akan berpotensi memiliki resiko mengembangkan penyakit ini dalam hidupnya. Dewan Riset Medis India (ICMR) juga menyimpulkan bahwa selama duapuluh tahun terakhir telah terjadi peningkatan drastis dalam data statistik yang berhubungan dengan wanita yang terdiagnosis menderita kanker payudara.
Melakukan pemeriksaan dan deteksi dini yang rutin telah menjadi hal penting bagi wanita untuk mencegah kanker payudara. Bahkan, dianjurkan pula bagi para wanita untuk menerapkan diet sehat dengan mengonsumsi beberapa jenis makanan yang bisa melawan sel-sel kanker payudara yang ganas.
Tina Sapra, ahli gizi klinis senior & koordinator dari Fortis Memorial Research Institute dan Dr Vandana Mathur, konsultan gizi dari Metropolis Health, Mumbai, memberikan tips tentang makanan yang dapat mencegah wanita mengembangkan resiko kanker payudara.
yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor Nutrastart,susu ekstrak kedelai khusus untuk diet sehat terbaik. dalam 1 kaleng Nutrastart -96O gram-, terdapat molekul transfer factor,
apa itu Transfer factor?.
nah jadi didalam Nutrastart sudah termasuk molekul transfer factor yang fungsinya untuk meningkatkan sistem imun tubuh sehingga dapat mengalahkan sel2 yang abnormal dalam tubuh yang lebih dikenal dengan sel kanker.
Presentasi Product Transfer Factor dan penghitungan potensi penghasilan yang bisa anda raih perbulannya bersama 4Life
4Life Presentation,
contact person : Johannes de Britto ( 087788724386)
pin BB 2761BB11
nah bagaimana pendapat anda?..hubungi segera untuk info lebih jelas dan cara memulai bisnisnya.
apa yang terjadi jika anda memiliki produk terbaik didunia dan sistem bisnis yang hebat?..ambil keputusan segera.
Senin, 10 Juni 2013
TRANSFER fACTOR dapat dijelaskan
dalam 8 menit,..perhatikan video berikut, SANGAT PENTING
Minggu, 09 Juni 2013
Calvin McCausland, PhD |
Saya percaya 4Life Transfer Factor memiliki potensi yang dapat membantu lebih banyak orang dari pada suplemen lainnya. Sayapun bangga dapat tergabung dengan perusahaan yang sangat menghargai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi begitu tinggi, dan berusaha keras untuk menghasilkan produk-produk yang benar-benar memberi hasil maksimal.
-Calvin McCausland, PhD-
Duane Townsend, MD, FACOG |
Saya seorang Dokter Spesialis Kanker. Saya lebih banyak menangani pasien kanker wanita & tanpa ragu-ragu menyarankan pasien saya yang sedang menjalani terapi kemo & terapi radiasi untuk mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor.
-Duane Townsend, MD, FACOG-
Robert Robertson, Jr., MD |
Saya percaya dan tanpa keraguan sama sekali bahwa Transfer Factor adalah sebuah penemuan terbesar abad ini dalam mendukung dan memodulasi sistem imun mahluk hidup.
-Robert Robertson, Jr., MD-
Berikut adalah pernyataan para pakar medis dan ilmuwan terkenal dunia tentang Transfer factor
"Transfer Factor is the most promising breakthrough in health care discovered in the past several decades. We are just beginning to explore all of the potential of transfer factors. Neutraceuticals like TF are the wave of the future." Dr. Victor Tutelian, MD, MPH In addition to earning his M.D, Ph.D. and Doctorate of Medical Science, Dr. Tutelian has also achieved the rank of a Professor and has authored more than 400 scientific publications and more than 40 federal regulations. Dr. Tutelian also received the highest recognition for a Russian scientist when he was voted into the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), Russia's most prestigious academy, as an Academician. He now serves as the Chief Scientific Secretary of RAMS. In this position he determines what research will be done and which projects will be government funded. Currently, Dr. Tutelian also holds the positions of Director of the RAMS Institute of Nutrition, head of the Institute's enzymology laboratory and the department of Nutrition Hygiene and Toxicology of the Moscow Sechenov Medical Academy, as well as numerous other positions on the scientific and editorial boards. Note: Dr. Tutelian receives no incentive of any kind from 4-Life Research to say this. His influence in Russia is somewhat equivalent to our FDA Director's. |
"I'm a cancer physician. I primarily treat female cancer and certainly encourage my patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy to take transfer factor. It helps to modulate the immune system and is great for overall health. I have patients with chronic herpes infections who are taking transfer factor on a regular basis. These patients have reported a reduction in the number of outbreaks. I've also had patients with chronic yeast infections consuming transfer factor and are reporting improvement as well. Transfer factor is a science-based product with excellent data from a variety of researchers." Duane Townsend, MD Dr. Townsend has had more than 32 years of distinguished experience in the medical field. He pioneered a surgical technique for the treatment of pre-malignant disease of the uterine cervix. In addition, he has authored more than 90 scientific papers in peer review journals as well as over 15 chapters in research books. |
"I believe transfer factor is, without a doubt, the greatest discovery of the century in supporting and modulating the immune system. I believe a strengthened immune system will be the primary way to stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the immune system like nothing else can. I sincerely believe everyone needs to consume this product." Rob Robertson, MD Dr. Robertson is a former Emergency Room Physician who partnered his future with this company because of his excitement about transfer factor. He received his medical degree from the University of Louisville School of Medicine in 1974. He served as the Director of Emergency Services at Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah, KY. |
"I have now completed a retrospective study comparing children in our practice with those who did not use transfer factor during the same period. Eighty-seven children, age 8 months through 9 years, used transfer factor. We found 74% less reported illness and 84% less reported use of antibiotics." David Markowitz, M.D. Dr. Markowitz is a pediatrician in Kennebunk, ME with a patient base of 4,500 children and has served as the Senior Pediatrician in a Private Pediatric Practice for 19 years. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Rochester in New York. He received his medical degree, general Pediatric training, and Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut. |
"Transfer factor's are the most exciting discovery in immunology. As the 21st century unfolds, transfer factor will be one of our greatest keys to health and well being." William Hennen, PhD Dr. Hennen, Vice President of Research and Development at for our company, is a biochemist with thirteen years of experience as a researcher in drug design and development. He also worked for eight years as a consultant and research director in the nutritional supplement industry. |
"There is no other product in a nutritional substance, NOR a drug, that has this kind of power and ability to affect our immune system. With the increase of killer viruses, mutated germs, super-resistant germs, and food contaminations, our only hope and defense, must lie within our own immune system." Darryl See, MD Dr. See received his degree from the University of California, Irvine. Academic appointments include: Assistant/Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine: Investigator, California Collaborative Treatment Group: and Infectious Disease Consultant, Liver Transplantation Service. He has received contracts, grants, and research awards from Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals, Roche Molecular Systems, Harvard Biotechnology, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and more. |
I have seen first hand, the deadly consequences of the emergence of flesh-eating super-germs, now resistant to most of the antibiotics which were once successfully used against them. The abuse, unnecessary use and overuse of antibiotics over the years, have contributed to this life threatening development. Many infections and illnesses, including cancer, develop because of immune system failure, resulting from many day to day factors, several of which are preventable. One thing we can all do however, is to boost our immune system to help protect, defend and help our body to heal itself. I have listened to the testimonials of several healthy as well as health challenged individuals, who have used the Transfer Factors™ and other 4Life Research™ products. Their stories and the dramatic improvement in the quality of their lives generate excitement. I believe that 4LifeTransfer Factor™ and Transfer Factor Plus™ are true immune system modulators. I have decided not only to use 4Life Research™ products, but also to tell others about them. Magnus 'T. ibn Ale, M.D., C.M. Magnus is a naturalized Canadian-American. He graduated with B.Sc. (Honors); and M. D.,C. from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. After one year of general internship, Magnus did 4 years of residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He became a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (M.R.C.O.G.), London, England; and also a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (F.A.C.O.G.). He has practiced his profession for some 25 years. |
"Our company has proven itself to be a company that provides sound dietary supplements, in keeping with the latest research. This commitment to providing revolutionary natural products is one that I am excited to help develop. I am particularly struck with the potential that exists for the transfer factor. Transfer factor is today where vitamins and herbs were 15 years ago. What a great opportunity is in store for those who get involved now!" Dr. Calvin McCausland. Dr. McCausland comes to our company with 22 years of experience in the network marketing and nutritional supplement industries. During that time, he supervised the creation or reformulation of over 350 supplements. He is an internationally known lecturer and has visited 53 countries in the world. In October 1997 Dr. McCausland became the first and only American to be elected a member and academician in the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Science. In March of 1999 he was awarded the national Kosigen award. The award recognizes the most significant contribution that will impact the future economy of Russia in the areas of science and medicine. |
"Transfer factor is the most exciting product for the immune system that I've seen in my eighteen years of practicing medicine. It has literally revolutionized my practice, particularly in terms of chronic diseases." Kenneth Singleton, MD, MPH |
"Transfer factor is the gift from nature that supplies the essential tools for the regulation of our immune systems, in order to properly address the challenges we face in today's toxic world. transfer factor provides the body with an arsenal of defense, unleashing the true power of the immune system." June Ferrari, ND, CNC |
"The immunity provided by transfer factor is long lived and can help all ages who are suffering from a variety of ailments or those who want to stay well." Richard Bennett, PhD Dr. Bennett is an Infectious Disease Microbiologist & Immunologist, who is enjoying retirement from a 21-year career with the University of California where he specialized in food and water quality and safety. He received his Doctorate in Comparative Pathology from the University of California, Davis. He has an extensive background in milk quality and disease control, water resource policy, food safety, public policy of natural resources, etc. He has also served as an advisor for the FDA and USDA. |
"A while ago I came down with a summer cold. I got a runny nose and a sore throat, and then my next order of transfer factor arrived. I decided I would take nothing else. In a 24-hour time period I felt great! I had no symptoms. It was like I'd never had a cold. It was very exciting for me to experience that firsthand. Quite frankly, I've never had an immune boosting experience like I had with transfer factor. It's just remarkable. I think every chiropractor should know about this product and I think people should be telling their friends about this. If for no other reason you should have it in your medicine chest for when you need a immune system boost or modulation." Dr. Gary Haagen |
"The immune system is an important aspect of bringing balance to the body, and specifically, to someone who has autism. Transfer factors can be very effective because they have been shown to both boost and suppress the immune system. Because transfer factor can function as an immune system modulator, it can help to restore immune system balance in many types of clinical situations." Kenneth Bock, MD, best selling author on immune system modulation. Kenneth Bock Dr. Bock is a physician who is renowned for his integrated approach to health and wellness. For the past 17 years he has integrated alternative modalities with conventional medicine into what he calls Progressive Medicine. He is the co-author of two books: The Road to Immunity and Natural Relief for your Child's Asthma. Dr. Bock recently conducted an important study on the use of Transfer Factor with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders. |
"When infants are nursed they are 17 times less likely to become seriously ill. Today we understand the science behind this dramatic display of wellness. We understand that the newborn's immune system is jump started with mom's immune history via her transfer factors. Transfer factor is our tool to jumpstart our immune systems." Suzette Lawrence, CNM |
"As a medical professional and pharmacist, I have been exposed to a great number of medical drugs and nutrients. I am convinced that the benefits produced by transfer factor and transfer factor plus far exceed any substance that I have ever been exposed to. I have assumed the mission to take this to the world. Everyone should be on these products." Bob Kononiuk R.Ph. |
"In my 43 years of medical practice I have never come across any pharmaceutical or nutraceutical products like Transfer Factor that can help people to get well and stay well. Because my friends and relatives are getting positive responses from Transfer Factor products, I have committed myself to share Transfer Factor with everyone, everywhere. Most people don't realize that they can enhance their immune system by taking Transfer Factor products. I feel very strongly that everyone needs Transfer Factor products for their health and I encourage you to join with me on this exciting mission to reduce the sufferings of our fellow human beings." C.K. 'Benny' Foo, MD |
"Transfer factor is in the same class as the most potent vitamins. When do you need it? You need it all the time. And who needs it? Actually, everyone. Not only you as an adult, but also your children and pets. And it's safe. I have not documented one single side effect related to the use of transfer factor." Vivienne Matalon, M.D. |
"Through 4Life™, I have been very fortunate to place fibromyalgia patients on our protocol throughout North America. Transfer factors are remarkable because the recovery process has been expedited greatly. Now that we have transfer factors, we are getting even better results, especially with the more chronic stages and conditions of the syndrome. The executives and scientists behind this company and product have impeccable credentials. I consider it a tremendous honor and privilege to be a small part of this wonderful 4Life™ effort that is effectively putting lives and families back together worldwide." Joe Elrod, Ph.D. Dr. Elrod received his Doctoral Degree in the field of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. For fifteen years, he served as a professor at Auburn University. He has done extensive research in the field of fibromyalgia and is the author of the best-selling book Reversing Fibromyalgia. He has served as a member of many boards and committees, including Programs for Exceptional Children and American Alliance for Health. |
"I have had diabetes for 38 of my 49 years and I've had kidney disease since 1986. In August of 1999, I went for my quarterly blood test for my kidneys. The physician called me after the test was taken and said, "Not only are your kidneys functioning well, after fourteen years, their function has improved dramatically." My BUN (blood urea nitrogen) was near normal after fourteen years of it being almost twice as high as it should be because my kidneys weren't filtering well. The only supplemental change in my life was transfer factor. Only once in my life did I endorse a product. I've been on an insulin pump for seven years, and I've allowed my name, face, and testimony to be used nationally. This is the second time, and it took alot to convince me. Not only are my kidneys working great, but this is the first year in sixteen years that I haven't gotten a flu shot or gotten the flu or bronchitis" Marc H. Blatstein Marc H. Blatstein is the Former President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. |
Veterinary Medicine has been my profession and career for over 30 years. I became a large animal veterinarian because of my interests in the cattle industry. Horses and small animals comprised about 20% of my "James Harriet-like" practice. Then, after 4 years of doing what was most important to me, an allergy to cattle popped up. The symptoms were indigestion, intense itching and inflammation anytime I came in contact with the bovine species or tried to eat beef, even to the point of not tolerating dairy products. It was serious enough that I had to leave the practice that I loved and change directions. I returned to Colorado State University, my alma mater, and studied pathology in graduate school. I returned to practice, which at first was one hundred percent small animal. I learned not to make "never" claims because I had told my classmates "I will never spend my time working on poodles". Having recovered from the cattle allergies, I began to once again do some large animal practice. The road to recovery and healing was long-term which included digging into the literature and finding dietary and supplement applications which worked. It took about seven years to total recovery. My practice interests became more and more, disease prevention and wellness. I saw how nutrition made a great difference and was often more effective than traditional medical approaches. Then I was introduced to Transfer Factor, developed by 4-Life Research, from a colleague. I have found that the results of using these products did more in a few hours or a few days than traditional medicine alone. This became the next step for me in working in nutrition, disease prevention and wellness. A couple of my colleagues presented these products at the American Association of Equine Practitioners meeting in Texas. There was an opportunity here, I found, not only to build a consultation type practice but also to develop some very good income. 4-Life Research is a very impressive and professional company. They developed Immune System products first for humans and then for animals. I found they were very effective and also offered an income opportunity. But how do you go about building a network marketing business? I became acquainted with Mike Akins who introduced me to the support organization he had developed. The name of his company is Professional Networkers. I checked the website and found all the answers and help you could ever need. Professional Networkers support system is complete; it includes everything, including a staff of over 36 people professionally trained to work with you and me. Ken Hansen, D.V.M. |
"In October 2002 I had a C-reactive Protein test (CRP) done to measure the level of inflammation in my artery walls after having read a number of articles indicating this type of inflammation as being the root cause of heart attacks. My CRP reading was 7.9, with 8.7 being about the highest and worst one can have. This test showed I was at very high risk of having a heart attack. One physician I shared this with commented, in front of a large audience, that if my CRP reading stayed at that level, I was virtually guaranteed to have a heart attack. From the day I received my CRP test results, to this day, I have consumed 4 targeted transfer factors daily. At the end of February, 2003, I had the CRP level checked again. In just four short months of consuming targeted transfer factors, I am now close to having the BEST level one could have, 1.1. The lowest and best reading on the chart is 1.0! I believe our targeted transfer factors product most likely saved my life." Richard Helgeland, Washington |
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